Passenger's Driving Licence and How to Get with First Try

Passenger's Driving Licence and How to Get with First Try

από 31.80€
Αριθμός Σελίδων:271
Γλώσσα Γραφής:Αγγλικά
Γλώσσα Πρωτοτύπου:Ελληνικά
Τόπος έκδοσης:Αθήνα
Αριθμός έκδοσης:2
Ημερομηνία έκδοσης:2019/05
Διαθεσιμότητα:Κατόπιν διαθεσιμότητας στον εκδότη
This instruction book has been written to facilitate, the English speaking driving students, in obtaining successfully the written test and learn real driving and not to obtain only the driving license. The book reading has to be accompanied, by equivalent practical training and practicing. The book does not replace in any case the theory lessons. The handbook contains all the material that is present in the book of the Ministry of Transport, theory and exercises, with the following provision: - In the supplement of the book there is the necessary theory, helpful in studying the exercises of the book's corresponding chapter. - Underneath of each book's question with the answers is included a writer's explanation together with supplementary pictures and other references covering the theory and the Traffic code, therefore the official book is not required - You will find that some answers are repeated in some cases. This is deliberately made for BETTER FURNISHING the subject. The material of the handbook began as a teaching curriculum of the theory courses, which was taught - and still is - in the classroom of the faculty. In each subsequent lesson, the necessary improvements and changes took place until the handbook came to its final today form. The comments and remarks of the prospective drivers were very important in improving the way the text was rendered, with the aim of optimal transmissibility. Here are some of the comments that some of the students have made: - The plenty of images, representations and shapes make the manual understandable even by the most mindless about the vehicle's mechanics, the one who knows nothing about the subject. - By reading the manual, I am able to deal with many of the key problems that arise while driving my vehicle. - I find myself fortunate that this manual has fallen into my hands. I can manage my abilities effectively because I am fully informed. - As a woman I have acquired such a sense of space that makes me unbeatable even by the best male. The manual mentions many practical rules for every taste. We wish you good reading and many driving kilometers without accidents.
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